Afraid to go to therapy? Me too.
One of the reasons I became a therapist was because I always wished to have someone to talk to, who seemed to "get it" but I never found any.

Don't get me wrong, I tried plenty of times. Each time, I found myself sitting across the room from a perfectly put-together person who would silently nod or smile encouragingly while I tried to pour my heart out. Sometimes they were condescending or judgmental. Other times, I felt like I was speaking to myself.

"Everyone is going through something. You're not the first." one said.

"Be grateful for what you have. Others are having it worse." said another.

I then decided to become a different kind of therapist.

In our sessions, I'll show you how to be vulnerable and genuine by being that way myself. I'll laugh at your jokes. You can even show me some memes before we start. You're as likely to find me cross-legged in my chair, chewing gum, with tattoos, piercings with my sunglasses on (Okay, who am I kidding? Much more likely.)

And then we'll get down to the hard work. Because therapy is hard work, for both of us. But it's also rewarding, and fulfilling. I can't wait to share that with you

I am Namusisi Sharifah, Founder of Lets FIX it- individual and couples'counselling. I am a certified individual, marriage, family therapist and Certified Life Coach with many years of specialized Training and experience working with people and couples with diverse needs..

Helping people/ couples to improve their life is something i am extremely passionate about for both professional and personal reasons. While I don't believe that i have all answers, I am confident that I can provide ideas, methods and approaches that can best work for you.
To help with immediate relief, I make sure to pull from a wide variety of theories and approaches like CBT- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy.

I am a good listener who creates a safe environment to share, facilitate change and bring about a resolution for couples to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts and achieve their goals. I am happy to meet you where you are and go at your pace and together we want to need to achieve your goals. I am from Kampala, my hobbies include travelling, watching movies very social and strive to keep physically and emotionally healthy.
It takes courage to seek counselling but checking this profile is a first step, Can't wait to support you and witness the positive change!!!